The film project “The Nancys” is based on a 5-hour-sound recording in Spanish language with Nan and Nancy, two asbestos cleaners who worked with other Latin American women as housecleaners for the asbestos company „BRANCH“ in the completely sealed zone at Ground Zero in New York Manhattan after 9/11. None of the women owned a work permit or even a residence permit.
During a workshop as part of the accompanying program the film project develops into a complex strategy of public performance and scenic research. We want to reflect, share, contextualize and act some of the audio recordings with workshop participants in Tijuana.
We will overlay the past and the present, shifting the center to the margin, the Ground Zero 2001 to the Mexican-US Border 2019 and produce multilayered images and sounds of women migrant narratives through a collective experiment: performing the Nancys scripts.
Tools will be the body, text, camera, sound, cleaning equipment, overalls, tapes plastic gloves, masks, rags, vacuum cleaners, coverings, we plan to go out into the border landscapes and urban spaces.
Angelika Levi is a Berlin based filmmaker. Her work is shown at international film festivals, cinemas and exhibitions. MY LIFE PART 2, her first full-length documentary, won several awards and had its premiere at the Forum/International Berlin Film Festival 2003. Her essay film ABSENT PRESENT (2010) had its Premiere at The Women´s Film Festival in Barcelona. CHILDREN OF SRIKANDI had its Premiere at the Panorama/ international Berlin Film Festival 2012 and won also several awards. MIETE ESSEN SEELE AUF (Rent eats the soul) was shown as a film installation in the exhibition “Housing Question” in “Haus der Kulturen der Welt” in Berlin, October 23th -December 14th in 2015. Levi is teaching in different media schools and art universities, for example Film University Konrad Wolf/ Babelsberg, Filmarche Berlin, University of the Arts Berlin, Universidad de Murcia, Facultad de Comunicación y Documentación, Royal Academy of Arts Copenhagen, Media School.